About Board of Directors
The Institute’s key areas of expertise and course delivery are nursing, health and community services such as aged care, disability support and early childhood education and care. IHNA is fast-growing, dynamic, and quality-driven institution committed to continuous improvement; working hard to develop, implement and deliver courses and professional development programs. IHNA students benefit from fully equipped campuses, with modern facilities and amenities, including state-of-the-art nursing and computer laboratories, a student library, audio-visual equipped classrooms and student break out areas. All of this combines to ensure IHNA’s significant contribution to the training needs of the Australian workforce, particularly in the caring professions.
Board of Directors
Dr. Bijo Kunnumpurath

Founder and Acting Chief Executive Officer
Associate Professor Chandana Hewege

Independent Non-Executive Director
Professor Anthony Welch

Independent Non-Executive Director
Trang Perrine

Independent Non-Executive Director
Paul Tan

Christopher Thomas Hill

Adjunct Prof. John G Kelly

Advisory Board Member
Arun Thomas

Advisory Board Member
Academic Board
Our members oversee academic governance and ensure that learning and teaching are promoted and conducted within legislative and ethical requirements. This is to maintain IHNA’s position as a registered training organisation.
We also encourage the development and maintenance of high standards of teaching, learning, and scholarship. Our advice to the Board of Directors includes:
Academic Policies and Procedures
Academic Quality Assurance Mechanisms (including Community Engagement)
Learning and Teaching Activities
Assessment Monitoring/Moderation
Benchmarking Academic Standards
Teaching Staff Succession Planning
Prof Anthony Welch

Chairperson – Non-Executive Board Member
Emeritus Professor Lorraine Ling

Non-Executive Board Member
Shruti Nargundkar

CADC Chairperson
Dr. Shisir Prasad Manandhar

Chair, Learning and Teaching Committee
Mr. Bijo Kunnumpurath

Founder and Acting Chief Executive Officer
Shali Bijo

National Training Manager
Mr. Arshad Abdul Samad

National Registrar
Course Advisory & Development Committee (CADC)
The Committee is established by the Academic Board, as part of its governance framework, to provide reports and/or recommendations to the Academic Board and other Committees as required in matters related to IHNA’s course development and monitoring aspects.
The Institute of Health and Nursing Australia (IHNA) recognises that effective and informed course development and change management processes are an integral part of the strategic academic planning of the Institute and part of the continuous improvement and quality management.
The principal function of the Course Development and Monitoring Committee is to provide advice on relevance of courses to prospective students, specific industry and professional bodies, and the community and in doing so provide open and transparent processes for this.
Shruti Nargundkar

Committee Chair
Dr. Shisir Prasad Manandhar

Deputy Chair
Shali Bijo

Committee Member
Ms. Sara Reddy

Committee Member
Nursing Advisory Committee
Nursing Advisory Committee (TOR-NAC) is established by the Curriculum Development and Monitoring Committee (CDMC) as part of its course development and review framework as outlined in its terms of reference. Nursing Advisory Committee (NAC) will be Nursing discipline-based and established based on the Institute of Health & Nursing needs in the Nursing discipline.
Nursing Advisory Committee (NAC) is charged with engaging representatives of major stakeholders (Internal staff, employers, industry, relevant professional bodies and the wider community) in developing, proposing, reviewing and improving the course/s.
It will maintain and advance IHNA’s academic standards, maintaining the interests of students, the discipline/s and the associated industries and professions, including the relevant legislative and regulatory requirements.
The principal function of the Nursing Advisory Committee (NAC) is to provide advice on the relevance of courses to prospective students, specific industry and professional bodies, and the community.
The NAC may also facilitate networking with universities, businesses and the community to provide opportunities for research collaborations and/or provide practical experience for students where appropriate.
Arun Thomas

External Industry Expert
Beena Satheesh

External Industry Expert
Mr. Lee Godino

Linda Pick Ding Wong

National Placement Coordinator
Ms. Binsu Varghese

Academic Expert
Ms. Shali Bijo

National Training Manager, Internal Member
Dr. Shisir Prasad Manandhar

Academic Director
Mr. Allendale Aquino

Course Coordinator, Internal Member
Mr. Abins Mathew

Course Coordinator, Internal Member
Ms. Honey Jacob

Course Coordinator, Internal Member
Ms. Sithabile Bhebhe

Course Coordinator, Internal Member
Ms. Daniel Johnson

Course Coordinator, Internal Member
Ms. Shaffalica Shaffalica

Course Coordinator, Internal Member
Ms. Som Varghese

Course Coordinator, Internal Member
Learning & Teaching Committee
The Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC) is established as a subcommittee of the Academic Board as per the Academic Board Terms of Reference. The LTC reports to the Academic Board on matters related to Curriculum.
The LTC is a principal academic committee to support the Academic Board on learning and teaching matters, including:
IHNA policies relating to learning, teaching, and scholarships.
Learning and teaching performance (e.g., progression, attrition and at risk);
Benchmarking and external referencing of course design and delivery including assessments;
Academic integrity; and
Academic risk
Dr. Shisir Prasad Manandhar

Committee Chair
Ms. Sara Reddy

Committee Member
Arun Koorapally Subash

Committee Member
Mr. Allendale Aquino

Committee Member
Sithabile Bhebhe

Committee Member
Abins Mathews

Committee Member
Sue Ulutay

Committee Member
Josephine Robarts

Committee Member
School of Education_TBA

Committee Member
School of Management_TBA

Committee Member
Mr. Arshad Abdul Samad

Committee Member
Student Representative Council(SRC)
Student Representative Councils (SRC) are an integral part of campus life at each IHNA campus and encourage students to become actively involved in the Institute and, IHNA Life.
The SRC provides a forum for Students to raise and discuss emerging views, suggestions and issues about learning, teaching, and student services. SRC is also an important opportunity for open communication between the student body and the Institute.
Student Representatives are sought from across the student community and IHNA has also extended participation to Alumni. SRC members are self-nominated from the student body and the Chair and Office-Bearers are appointed by the SRC.
As students represent the views of the entire student body, SRC provides an opportunity for students to develop their own soft skills and influencing skills as they participate in activities such as organising activities, leadership and representation and communication and mentoring of new students.
Dr. Shisir Prasad Manandhar

Academic Director
Mr. Arshad Abdul Samad

National Registrar
Lauren Kindgell

Student Representative – Melbourne
Maddison Makeham

Student Representative – Melbourne
Jashanpreet Singh (JS)

Student Representative – Sydney
Muhammed Bilal Yahaya

Student Representative – Sydney
Sisasenkosi Moyo

Student Representative – Perth
Marisa Tacconi

Student Representative – Perth
Stacey Rose Blurton

Student Representative – Perth
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Support Committee
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Education and Support Committee is established as a standing committee of the Academic Board established under the Academic Board Terms of Reference.
Institute of Health and Nursing Australia (IHNA) is committed to self-determination by empowering, supporting and creating partnerships with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, staff and their communities that ensure a culturally rich, relevant and engaged learning experience which embeds Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples heritage and culture. The Committee has been formed to institutionalise the practice through a formal committee set up where the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander education and support system will remain integral in IHNA’s core business on education and training.
IHNA Reconciliation Plan coming soon.
Claire Saddler

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Representative (External)
Allison Heinritz

Dr. Shisir Prasad Manandhar

Academic Director
Audit & Risk Committee
The Committee is established by the Board of Directors (the Board), as part of its governance framework, to provide reports and/or recommendations to the Board and other Committees as required.
The Audit and Risk Management Committee (ARMC) is a formally constituted committee by the Board of Directors to assist and advise the Board in fulfilling its corporate governance and independent oversight responsibilities in relation to IHNA’s risk management and compliance, internal policies, procedures, audit requirements and external reporting responsibilities.
Mr. Pankaj Patel

Chief Financial Officer (Deputy Chair)
Dr. Shisir Prasad Manandhar

Academic Director
Mr. Bimal Kumar M

Finance Manager
Mr. Arshad Abdul Samad

National Registrar
External Members

Helen Madden Hallett

Risk Mananger
Student Misconduct and Appeals Committee
The Student Misconduct and Appeals Committee (SMAC) is established as a standing committee of the Academic Board as per the Academic Board’s Terms of Reference.
The main objectives of the SMAC are as follows:
Provide an avenue of appeal for students in relation to student and academic complaints, and student disciplinary matters;
Promote and ensure the application of the principles of procedural fairness and confidentiality in relation to all SMAC matters; and
Promote quality improvement in policies and procedures related to academic complaints, student misconduct or student complaints.
Dr. Shisir Prasad Manandhar

Academic Director
Mr. Arshad Abdul Samad

National Registrar
Finance Committee
This is a Sub-committee reporting to the Executive Management Committee (EMC). It provides reports and/or recommendations to the Audit and Risk Management Committee and other Committees as required.
The rationale of the Committee is to assist the Audit and Risk Management Committee to report IHNA’s management of its assets, liabilities and risks to the Board of Directors.
Based on the Standards in the Standards for RTOs 2015 relating to assessment of financial viability risk and holding public liability insurance, the Committee is responsible to consider:
Financial capacity;
Financial capability; and
Financial trajectory
Mr. Simon Schweigert

Mr. Bimal Kumar M

Chair, Finance Manager
Mr. Pankaj Patel

Deputy Chair, CFO
Trang Perrine

Independent Non-Executive Director
Anju Babu

Internal Auditor

In Attendance
Executive Management Committee
The Committee is established by the Board of Directors to provide reports and/or recommendations to the Board of Directors and to the CEO and other Committees as required.
The Committee will agree objectives annually that are specific and measurable and will regularly review its progress in meeting and delivering the objectives. The objectives of the committee include, but are not limited to:
exercise an executive decision-making and coordination role in relation to IHNA’s business;
implement policies and procedures to enable the efficient running of IHNA;
implement the strategic, operational and risk management plans approved by the Board of Directors ensuring that IHNA maintains a quality assured teaching and learning environment for all stakeholders;
report to the Board of Directors on major operational and management issues and the performance of IHNA.
Mr. Bijo Kunnumpurath

Chief Executive Officer (Chair)
Mr. Simon Schweigert

Chief Operations Officer (Deputy Chair)
Dr. Shisir Prasad Manandhar

Academic Director
Mr. Pankaj Patel

Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Jijo Mathew

Campus Manager – Melbourne CBD
Mr Saji Kunnumpurath

Campus Manager – Heidelberg Campus
Mr. Justin Jacob

Campus Manager – Perth
Mr. Arshad Abdul Samad

National Registrar
Mr. Arun Koorapally Subash

National Training Manager – School of Community Service
Mr. Bimal Kumar M

Finance Manager
Mr. Anup Kumar

Marketing Manager
Rexsen Roy

Sharmila Gautam

Manager – P&C
RTO Management Committee (Campus Based)
Saji Kunnumpurath

Campus Manager – Melbourne
Mr. Justin Jacob

Campus Manager – Perth
Jijo Mathew

Campus Manager – Sydney
Admin Manager

Sabarish Babu

HR Executive
Dr. Shisir Prasad Manandhar

Academic Director and Research Innovation & Technology Manager (Deputy Chair)
Accounts Officers

Based on location

In Attendance