Are you interested in exploring partnership opportunities with IHNA?
We welcome expressions of interest from healthcare organisations, hospitals, and clinical bodies looking to collaborate and leverage mutual strengths for impactful initiatives in healthcare education. If you believe there’s potential for synergy between our organisations, we invite you to reach out and express your interest in partnering with us. To discuss more and partner with IHNA please click the ‘Expression of Interest’ button below to connect with us and discuss potential collaboration further.
About Funding
DTWD Funded Training
The Western Australia Government offers a range of course at reduced fees under the Lower fees, local skills initiative.
Jobs and Skills WA provides a subsidised training place for eligible students enrolled in courses that are deemed State priority qualifications, where a training place is available.
Types of Funding:
The Participation Program focuses on the delivery of training for those sections of the population that are under-represented in the workforce and face barriers to mainstream training arrangements.
This program focuses on making available a range of qualifications that address priority industry needs of the State through a non employment-based training pathway.
This program has two target groups, jobseekers and existing workers. The qualifications offered may be delivered in any region throughout WA for both target groups.
Courses available under the DTWD Funding:
2024 Eligibility Guidelines
1.2 A student must be either:
an Australian citizen
a holder of a permanent visa, or
Hold a Humanitarian Visa
Temperory Residents
holders of a sub-class 309, 444, 785, 790, or 820 visa
secondary holders of a temporary visa of sub-class 457or 482 visa
holders of a Bridging Visa E (subclasses 050 and 051) where the visa holder has made a valid application for a visa of subclass 785 or 790
Ukraine citizens who are holders of a visa sub-class 449 or 786
Afghan citizens who are holders of a visa sub-class 449, and
holders of a bridging visa who are eligible to work, and who have made a valid application for a subclass 866
To be eligible for the program, students must be unemployed or under-employed and able to access mainstream training. Students must:
have a written referral from an Approved Participation Referral Agent for Job Seekers, or
be referred by themselves; another agency or recruited by the Service Provider. Refer Section 7.1 for more information regarding Participation Referral Agents
Students must not have an active apprenticeship/traineeship training contract registered on WAAMS.
Training provided to Students equates to face–to-face training of at least 50% of the contracted nominal hours for Job Seekers
Existing Worker is defined as an individual working 20 hours or more a week a single employer
Employment Type must be Full Time or Part Time
Not Eligible for Funding?
IHNA offers a range of payment plans to help you with your course fees. Call our admissions team today to know more.
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