Are you interested in exploring partnership opportunities with IHNA?
We welcome expressions of interest from healthcare organisations, hospitals, and clinical bodies looking to collaborate and leverage mutual strengths for impactful initiatives in healthcare education. If you believe there’s potential for synergy between our organisations, we invite you to reach out and express your interest in partnering with us. To discuss more and partner with IHNA please click the ‘Expression of Interest’ button below to connect with us and discuss potential collaboration further.
About Funding
Skills First Program
Skills First Program
The Skills First Program is the way that training providers are contracted in Victoria to deliver government-subsidised training to individuals.
Courses available under the Skills First Funding:
Eligibility Guidelines
A student must be either:
an Australian citizen
a holder of a permanent visa, or
a New Zealand citizen
Physically present in Victoria or a border region
A student must be undertaking all training and assessment while physically present in:
the State of Victoria; or
a border region with one of the following postcodes:
NSW | SA |
2546 | 5262,5263 |
2548 – 2551 | 5267 – 5272 |
2625 – 2633 | 5277 – 5279 |
2640 – 2648 | 5290, 5291 |
2650, 2651, 2653, 2655, 2656 | 5302 – 5304 |
2658 – 2660 | 5311, 5333, 5340 |
2700, 2707 | 5342 – 5345 |
2710 – 2717 | |
2720 | |
2730 – 2739 |
The ‘2 Skill Sets in a year’ and ‘2 AQF qualifications in a year’ limits
In a calendar year, a student may only commence a maximum of 2:
Skills First subsidised Skill Sets; and
Skills First subsidised programs that are AQF qualifications
The following scenario Do not count the following when determining if a student meets these limits:
transitioning from a superseded program to the current version of the same program;
recommencing training in the same program (at either the same or a different provider);
enrolling in an Apprenticeship (not Traineeship) after having participated in one of the programs identified as a ‘Pre-Apprenticeship and Pathway Program’ on the Funded Programs Report;
participation in ‘22510VIC – Course in Identifying and Responding to Family Violence Risk’; or
participation in Literacy and Numeracy Support Units.
The ‘2 at a time’ limit
A student may only commence a maximum of 2 Skills First subsidised programs at any one time.
Do not count the following when determining if a student meets this limit:
- 22510VIC – Course in Identifying and Responding to Family Violence Risk’; or
- Literacy and Numeracy Support Units
To know more about eligibility please refer to the eligibility document.
These guidelines describe the requirements about tuition fees and other fees associated with Skills First training, and the financial and accountability requirements for fees.
To know more about the fees, please refer to the fee document.
Skills First quality charter
This charter explains what the department expects from training providers in their provision of key aspects of training services under the contract.
To know more please click here.