Education for Employment:

Skilling the gap globally.

Our Story

Health Careers International (HCI Australia) has left an indelible mark on Australian educational history since its inception in 2004. Renowned for healthcare education, HCI has navigated the medical education landscape, excelling in health and nursing education over two decades.

Committed to producing top-tier professionals, HCI's curriculum blends theoretical knowledge and practical skills to meet industry demands, benefiting communities across Australia. In addressing the 2004 nursing shortage, HCI, through IHNA, became a beacon for international nurses, contributing significantly to the Australian healthcare workforce.

As it celebrates two decades, HCI stands as a symbol of resilience, adaptability, and unwavering dedication to healthcare education, shaping the future of Australia's healthcare sector.


Institute of Health and Nursing Australia (IHNA)

Founding and Evolution of IHNA

Established in 2007, IHNA has grown into a leading Australian Registered Training Organization (RTO) specializing in healthcare education, with a focus extending to nursing, healthcare, education, and community service sectors, catering to the diverse needs of the healthcare industry.

Commitment to Quality Education and Student Support

IHNA, dedicated to providing high-quality learning experiences, has positively impacted the careers of over 20,000 students from more than 50 countries, emphasizing student welfare and support by acting as mentors to nurture the next generation of healthcare professionals, ensuring both personal and professional growth.

Global Presence and Collaborations

IHNA, with a global footprint spanning major Australian cities and reaching Kochi in India, has developed a strong network of over 200 industry partners and established 17 university pathways, facilitating seamless transitions for students into higher education and specialized fields, showcasing its international repute and impact on a global scale.

Core Values and Future Vision

IHNA, prioritizing the essence of care in healthcare, envisions a future of innovation and inclusivity, dedicated to equipping healthcare professionals with skills for better lives through better care; it has expanded higher education contributions via the Institute of Health & Management, accredited under TEQSA, to meet the growing demand for specialty nurses.


Institute of Health and Management (IHM)

A Premier Institution in Australian Healthcare Education

The Institute of Health & Management (IHM) stands as a distinguished hub for higher education in Australia, singularly dedicated to healthcare. Its reputation is built upon the acclaim of its postgraduate offerings, which span health, management, and nursing research. Accredited by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), IHM has consistently led the charge in cultivating healthcare leaders who are well-prepared for the dynamic healthcare landscape.

IHM's Impact on Graduates

The proof of IHM's commitment to excellence lies in the testimonials of its graduates. These professionals attribute their success to IHM, recognizing the institution for validating their skills and opening avenues for professional growth. IHM's dedication to fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement is evident through its emphasis on research opportunities and innovation.

Diverse Offerings and Industry Alignment

IHM's commitment to diversity is reflected in its range of specialized postgraduate courses, including international programs and professional development courses. The institute ensures that its curriculum remains not only diverse but also relevant and rigorous, aligning seamlessly with industry best practices and the latest technological advancements in healthcare.

IHM's Educational Support System

Beyond courses, IHM empowers its students and professionals through a rich library resource base that encompasses books, eBooks, journals, and more. This comprehensive learning environment is pivotal in equipping individuals with the knowledge and confidence needed to navigate the complexities of healthcare, contributing to their competence and success.

Mr. Bijo kunnumpurath.

HCI Australia was founded by Mr Bijo, who also serves as its CEO and Managing Director. His remarkable passion for technology, entrepreneurship, and education has inspired the HCI Australia's mission. A qualified mechanical engineer with a master's degree in business administration has a plethora of expertise in diverse domains including project and business management. MR. Bijo’s charisma, stirring oratory, and promise to bring change to the established career-focused healthcare training has allowed him to harness his capabilities to develop novel and innovative training programmes. Mr Bijo has had the privilege to operate internationally and is a prominent public figure renowned for his extraordinary efforts to advance the healthcare industry in three different countries: Australia, Malaysia, and India.

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Our Mission

Education for Employment skilling the gap globally.
  • Bridging the gap for Internationally qualified healthcare professionals to meet Australian registration and licensing requirements.
  • Bridging the gap from educational programs and industry needs.
  • India delivery of Vocational qualifications and promote ‘skilling India’ initiative.

HCI Values

HCI Values: Innovation, Caring and Excellence
  • Technology adoption (AI, robotics, automation and process improvements).
  • Promoting learning experience (low attrition rates, high graduate employment, lifelong learning).
  • Promote excellence in educational governance (Awards, recognitions and ranking).

Innovation through Visionary Leadership.

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Embracing technological innovation, Health Careers International (HCI Australia) has advanced healthcare education through digital solutions. KnowledgeHub streamlines student data and compliance, while the e-testamur system, created amid COVID-19, facilitates remote qualification verification. Clinsoft, another strategic development, digitizes student records to support paperless operations in simulations and clinical placements, bolstering infection control. The 2023 launch of ACELMS, a comprehensive learning management system, marks a leap in online learning delivery. Looking ahead to 2024, HCI aims to integrate AI-driven systems to elevate the educational journey, optimizing both learning outcomes and administrative efficiency.

The institute's efforts culminated in recognition for its quality education, as HCI earned accolades and high rankings, reflecting its impactful mission of 'Education for Employment. HCI continues to gain recognition with Victorian government in the category of ‘excellence in international education’ in the year 2021, 2022 and 2023. HCI also listed in the ‘Webometrics ranking as top 100 educational institutes in Australia. IHM is recognised by QILT SES ranking in 2023 as top ten postgraduate institutes in nursing in Australia. HCI is committed to promote scholarship and publication in the organisation to promote academic excellence across all streams of the programs offered by the college including nursing, aged care, disability, community care, social work and public health areas.

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